Alături de Masters Olympia, revine in scena si concursul de culturism si fitness Olympia Amateur Eastern Europe, aflat la a doua ediția , care oferă sportivilor participanți si spectatorilor toate categoriile din cadrul federației NPC Worldwide, intr-un cadru de o spectaculozitate competițională deosebita.
Concursul oferă posibilitatea obținerii cardului de profesionist pentru primii 3 clasați in fiecare divizie in categoria absoluta, totalizând un număr de 27 de carduri profesioniste.
Programul competitional este urmatorul:
Ziua 1 - Sambata, 26 aug
Prejudging si finale:
1. Amatori:
Men's Bodybuilding
2. Profesionisti:
Women's Physique
Women's Bodybuilding
Men's Classic Physique
Ziua 2 - Duminica, 27 aug
Prejudging si finale:
1. Amatori:
Women's Physique
Men's Physique
Women's Bodybuilding
Men's Classic Physique
2. Profesionisti:
Men's Physique
Men's Open
Accesul copiilor cu vârsta de pana la 3 ani va fi gratuit, copii intre 3 si 12 ani beneficiază de 50% reducere din prețul biletului, iar tinerii mai mari de 13 ani vor trebui sa plătească biletul integral.
*** EN ***
After an 11-year absence from the IFBB Pro League, the prestigious world-renowned competition Masters Olympia returns to the professional bodybuilding and international fitness circuit on August 26-27 at BT Arena Cluj. As part of the Masters Olympia Contest, top professional athletes over the age of 40 will compete for the title of Masters Olympia champion in 10 competitive classes.
Along with the Masters Olympia, the bodybuilding and fitness contest Olympia Amateur Eastern Europe returns to the scene, with its second edition and offers participating athletes and spectators all the categories of the NPC Worldwide Federation, in a setting of a particularly spectacular competition.
The competition offers the possibility of obtaining the professional card for the first 3 ranked in each division in the absolute category, totaling a number of 27 professional cards.
The competition program is the following:
Day 1 - Saturday, August 26, Prejudging and finals:
1. Amateurs:
Men's Bodybuilding
2. Professionals:
Women's Physique
Women's Bodybuilding
Men's Classic Physique
Day 2 - Sunday, August 27, Prejudging and finals:
1. Amateurs:
Women's Physique
Men's Physique
Women's Bodybuilding
Men's Classic Physique
2. Professionals:
Men's Physique
Men's Open
Access for children up to 3 years old will be free, children between 3 and 12 years old will benefit from a 50% discount on the ticket price, and young people over 13 will have to pay the full ticket.