After three EP's via Terratur Possessions from Norway; "The Downward Descent" (2015), "The Silver Chalice" (2016) and "Darkness In Turmoil" (2018), it's time for their debut fullenght, entitled "Ascending Into Perdition" (2022)! The album shows a natural progression for the band, with more focus on production and a varied, dynamic tracklist without ever straying away for what was always the foundation of the band;
No gimmicks, no bullshit; pure Black Metal Devotion.
ψ WARHYMN is a Melodic Black Metal band founded in 2019 at the initiative of Shavy, functioning for a year and a half as a solo project, during which he released the album debut "Gnosis" through the label Narcoleptica Productions, album that has an occult philosophical theme.
In the fall of 2020, new members are joining and WarHymn becomes a full band and sustains the first live appearance in the summer of 2021.
In 2021-2022 WarHymn held a new series of concerts in Bucharest and through the country, while recording in parallel their following discographic material, this time with all their members.
'Cult of Primordials', WarHymn's latest material, was released on November 10 via Loud Rage Music.
It is a product designed to complete the first Warhymn disc, "Gnosis", and to link it to a second upcoming Full Length.
"Cult of Primordials" will be presented live in its entirety in Quantic on February 11.
Gnosis 2020 (album) - Narcoleptica Productions
Live in Studio 2021 (live material) - independent
Cult of Primordials 2022 (EP) – Loud Rage Music
Shavy - voice guitar ( 2019 - now)
Rizea - voice guitar(2021 - now)
Hex - bass (2020 - now)
Philip Redhand - drums (2020 - now)
ψ NUBIVAGANT (which means moving through clouds/air) is the solo project of Omega, drummer of BLUT AUS NORD, CHAOS INVOCATION, and
NUBIVAGANT emerged in 2020 with the Roaring Eye debut and showcased a hypnotic, atmospheric variant of black metal that emphasized repetitive riffs and drum patterns alongside somber singing that gave off a dark and ethereal tone. Two years later Omega has returned with the second Nubivagant effort The Wheel and the Universe, releases in June 21st on Amor Fati Productions, which refines the elements from its predecessor and offers an even more mystical and entrancing atmosphere.
ψ Ill Tidings were formed in 2018 in Vienna with the aim in mind to create something unique and relentless, drawing from new as well as old influences within the genre. Setting forth to delve into the depths of human existence with a bleak view, the band crafted its debut „Signa Tenebris“ in late 2020 and signed a deal with London based label Cult of Parthenope. In 2022, the sophomore album “Hymns to Demise” was released in which the band further explored and refined their style.
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