I mean, except from the beautiful women, stop thinking about those. We wanna offer you for the first time in Bucharest, some English stand-up comedy nights, with the best comedians in town, every Friday evening @Mojo. What do you say? Would you stop hitting on our gals' and drinking all our booze, and just have a laugh with us? We promise you'll understand every word, spoken with a hint of a Russian accent, and laugh your pants off, 'cause Romanians are super funny and always drunk. Come one, come all and be semi-amazed.
Când? Vineri, 16 Martie la ora 20.00
When? Friday, 16th of March at 20.00
Unde? Club Mojo in Centrul Vechi in Gabroveni nr. 14
Where? Mojo Club in The Old Town, 14th Gabroveni Street
Bilet 40 ron
Ticket price 40 ron ( 9 euro)
Accesul minorilor este interzis!
Info: 0726 688 658
Biletele se achitioneaza in avans de la bar sau online, pe iabilet.ro.
You buy tickets in advance from tha bar’s venue or from iabilet.ro.
Biletele se gasesc in format electronic pe www.iabilet.ro si in reteaua fizica iabilet.ro/retea : Magazinele Flanco, Metrou Unirii 1 (langa casa de bilete Metrorex), Magazinul Muzica, Magazinele IQ BOX - partener Telekom, Cafe Deko, Club Vintage, Club Quantic, Expirat Halele Carol (in intervalul orar: 18:00-22:00), Hard Rock Cafe, Beraria H, Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele Uman si pe terminalele self-service ZebraPay din toata tara.