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KHORS // Mauna Sol // Vathos
KHORS [Black Metal] / [UKR -Kharkiv]
KHORS is one of the most significant bands hailing from Ukraine. Experienced musicians of the Ukrainian underground metal scene created the band in August 2004 in Kharkiv.
The first musicians’ steps were reflected on their debut album “The Flame of Eternity's Decline” that was released by the Ukrainian label Oriana Music in spring of 2005. The first edition was sold out within a few months. Musically, the band performed mid tempo Atmospheric Pagan Black Metal. Later, along with work on their second album, the band has started its first concert activity.
The second album, “Cold”, was released by Oriana Music at the end of 2006 where the band revealed its more melodic side. The album received many positive reviews and was later released in an exclusive vinyl version.
The third album, “Mysticism”, has become the most meaningful for KHORS. It practically divided the band's musical pathway into before and after. With the third album the band changed the label to American Paragon Records, and has become better known worldwide. The album gained a lot of positive reviews in hundreds of specialized media of that time. The music disclosed an even more atmospheric and melodic form of Dark Heathen Metal.
The fourth album, “Return To Abandoned”, has lead KHORS to the international level. This album was considered as one of the best albums in the genre, and the band received even greater support and promotion thanks to Paragon Records and an exclusive vinyl edition of the album by the legendary Osmose Productions. At that time the band also has started to appear and perform at the European festivals.
With the fifth record, “Wisdom of Centuries”, the band has signed a contract with worldfamous major label Candlelight Records. “Wisdom of Centuries” has become the first band's album performed on the native tongue.
Released in 2015, the 6th full-length “Night Falls Onto the Fronts of Ours” is further strengthening the band’s position on the European scene, and is getting limited in a few months.
Currently, KHORS is one of the most known, and one of the most recognizable Ukrainian metal bands outside the country. The band has its arsenal of six full-length albums, DVDs, live albums and EPs, released in various formats on well-known labels of the metal industry. In 2020, a new, 7th full-length album of the band is being prepared for release, that will mark a new era of KHORS. The band continues to grow and evolve with every new record and every new show.
KHORS has participated at such festivals as Motocultor (France), Kilkim Žaibu (Lithuania), Ragnard Rock (France), OST (Romania), Dark Troll (Germany), Gothoom (Slovakia), Aurora Infernalis (the Netherlands), Hell Fast Attack (Czech Republic), Metal Head's Mission (Ukraine), Oskorei (Ukraine), Carpathian Alliance (Ukraine). Wide geography of live shows extends to almost all European countries
MAUNA SOL – [Atmospheric Black Metal] / [RO - Brasov]
Mauna Sol has its origins in an instrumental project with black metal influences, initiated in the
spring of 2016, by guitarist Marius Licu, member of The Thirteenth Sun band, from Brașov, Romania.
The project was put aside until 2019, when, based on a few short stories written by George Costan,
who will eventually become the band’s vocalist, a new concept took shape. This new concept got to
redefine the music already written, the material becoming closely related to one of the stories,
describing the sufferings of a man who chooses hermitage instead of a comfortable life.
In the winter of 2019, with the co-optation of George Costan (vocals), Ionuț Cățeanu (bass guitar)
and two former Protonyk members, guitarist Bogdan Itu and drummer Andrei Rențea (Pedestrians
and Ego Store), Mauna Sol was born, the original project becoming a full band.
VATHOS – [Atmospheric Black Metal] / [RO - Bucuresti]
Váthos started in the fall of 2017, based in Bucharest. Current line-up: Radu(vocals), Alex (guitar), Ducu (guitar), Dany(guitar-bass), Gigi(drums).
The evolution period of their style with elements from atmospheric post black, melodic death metal with a diverse influence of sub-genres from the extreme side of music, resulting in a mixture of melodicity and aggressivity as they start to define their own sound in such a short time span.
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