Hailing from the Romanian shores of the Black Sea, the progressive metal outfit White Walls was founded in 2009. The band is associated with genres such as progressive metal, alternative and melodic metal. White Walls have mostly maintained their lineup through the years consisting of guitarist Alexandru-Eduard Dascălu (Dasu), vocalist Eugen Brudaru, bass player Șerban-Ionuț Georgescu and drummer Theo Scrioșteanu. The fifth unofficial band member is Mihnea Ioan Grecu, the band’s manager.
White Walls often intertwine elements of darkness and light with relentless riffs, melancholic chords and a balanced mix between restlessness and restraint. Influenced by a variety of metal subgenres, the sound has been compared to diverse acts such as The Ocean, Opeth, Tool and Karnivool.
The band’s debut album ‘Mad Man Circus’ was released in October 2010 through the netlabel Asiluum.com as a free download. The record has been noted as a revelation and was incredibly successful among critics and fans worldwide, propelling the band in Romanian and an European tour (spanning 15 concerts and 6 countries). Continuing on a high note, White Walls were invited to be the first ever Romanian band to play at ProgPower Europe Festival in 2011 and the end of the tour saw them opening for Pain Of Salvation at Romanian Rock Meeting the same year.
In 2013, after having played Romania’s biggest stages and festivals it was time to go bigger than before. The band unleashed its second album called ‘Escape Artist’, a conceptual record that introduced a new musical approach for the band. Marius Costache was the recording and mixing engineer, (same role he had with ‘Mad Man Circus’) while mastering was taken over by Mr. Alan Douches (known for his work with bands such as Killswitch Engage, Mastodon and Sepultura). The album artwork was done in collaboration with Costin Chioreanu who has worked with popular acts such as At The Gates, Cellar Darling and Ulver. 'Escape Artist’ immediately generated a lot of interest and early ‘album of the year’ hype. The release show was also the band's first sold-out event!
Almost 3 years to the date, on the 15th of October 2016 White Walls released a new single and video, ‘Death Follows me’.
On the 22nd of May 2020, the band returned with a critically acclaimed new single and video for the song ‘Starfish Crown’ as well as the announcement of the newest record, ‘Grandeur’. The second single, 'Eye For An I' saw the light of day in early October with an animated video. A couple of weeks later, on October 23rd 2020, 'Grandeur' was finally released as well! Mixed and mastered by Forrester Savell (known for his work with bands such as Karnivool, Animals as Leaders, Make Them Suffer), with artwork by Radu Damian. 'Grandeur' propelled the band forward and generated 'album of the year' hype following 'Escape Artist' suit. Early December the band members found out that 'Eye For An I' won in the category Best Music (Animation) at Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival 2020. The last single and music video from the record, ‘Month's End’ was released on the 3rd of September, 2021.
Representing the hometown Metalcore scene – Brașov, Romania – since 2014, the band tenaciously and organically won the audience with their full-of-energy performances and groovy melodic songs, placing itself amongst important local acts to consider for this genre.
W3 4R3 NUM83R5 performed dozens of club shows as headliners or co-headliners as well as opening acts for international bands such as Carnifex or At The Gates. The band also performed at many open-air festivals in Romania.
The first album, released in 2018, was recorded and mixed at LowBass5 Studio in Deva, Romania and given the final touch of mastering by Mike Kalajian from Rogue Planet Mastering, New York, USA. In the same year, the first official video for the A New Dawn song was also released.
In 2019, the band won the “Best Live Local Show Award” handed out by the Corona Cultural Consortium from Brasov City.
The next year, as it was globally challenging for everyone, came up with a new musical approach in terms of musical production. Forced by lockdown due to pandemics, the band switched to “bedroom production”, taking into its own hands the entire process of recording, mixing and mastering under the name of Snuff Mixtudio. The next singles and videos released were self-produced.
Currently, W3 4R3 NUM83R5 signed with SWANBOY Music and they are working on their next full-length album which is set to be released at the end of 2022.
For fans of Parkway Drive, Breakdown Of Sanity, or Fit For A King, W3 4R3 NUM83R5 may be a local recipe.
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